Juliet was born on August 8, 2008. We got her at eight weeks old and only 1.5 pounds. The breeder gave her up early because I was experienced with yorkies and she trusted me to take good care of such a tiny bundle. The breeder, Contented Puppies, gave me a bag of the food they encourage all new owners to feed their puppies.
Life's Abundance is a premium all-natural dry dog food. Their website is very informative, and although this brand may be better than the dog foods found in grocery stores and pet stores, I realized that Life's Abundance is just another brand of dry kibble and not what I wanted to feed my dog. Sure, it has more protien and better ingredients, but it was still choc-full of rice and grains, groats and vitamins. This perked my interest; if protien is so very important that it should be the first five in the ingredients of kibble, why not ALL protien? Thus began my search for a better dog diet. The picture in this post is of 12-week old Juliet when she weighed less than three pounds. How ironic that she's in an oatmeal box, as I decided not to feed her grains.